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Installing the inner, front bearing. Very easy



Alright, here we are.  Now we are installing the inner bearing.  So, again, it’s going to be nice and easy.  So, here’s our brand new bearing, shiny and looking lovely and high quality.  And all we’re going to do is the same thing that we did before.  We’re going to lay the bearing in there, get it as square as we can, because remember, we don’t want it to cock when it’s going in there.  And this thing wants to fall over all the time so bear with me.  Here’s the old bearing, I’ve cleaned the thing up, so I’m not getting covered in grease and oil.  This is another reason why I want you to use a big hammer because what I’m actually going to do is use the hammer this way now and get this thing started.  Make sure that the back of the housing for the bearing is flush on the floor.  You know how you can see this is moving?  We want it flush.  Let’s take a look here.  Again, I’m doing this at a bit of a weird angle so you guys can see.  Alright, that’s going in nice and straight.  And obviously, I cleaned this all out as well.  We’re gonna just keep putting this in.  This takes a bit more energy because it’s a much bigger bearing so you have a much bigger surface to get in there.  Alright, we’re not all the way home so now, we have to line this up real carefully because this old bearing is gonna start to go in as well.  I believe that is completely home!  You can  get your finger behind the bearing here and you can feel if the lip is all the way there but on this particular model, this is all the way home.  You can see the bearing here is flush with this lip right here.  That isn’t the same on all models.  On some models, depending on who the vendor was that made the rear tank for Whirlpool because Whirlpool doesn’t make this stuff themselves, they sub it out.  You may find that the bearing sits a little bit lower or a little bit higher.  So anyway, that bearing is in and remember, we we’re only applying pressure to the outside race by using the old bearing.  So that is in, easy peasy.  Just so you know, these go so easy because I’ve done well over 500 of these.  It’s probably more like 700 of them and when I first started I had a real learning curve to go through but this is just the simple way to do it.  Tried, true and tested.

Alright, I’ll see you in the next video where I’ll show you how to prep the seal and put the seal in.  Thanks very much!


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