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Removing the front bearing and seal the easy way



Welcome back to video number 9 for, and now we are gonna take out the inner seal and the inner bearing.  We’re going to do the same this as we did last time, just nice and easy.  This time, we’ve taken the bucket away and we’ve just got the rear tank laying down on its face and we’re just gonna go straight in the top of the bearing.  And remember, the seal is still in there so we didn’t have to dig that thing out.  Remember to go from side to side.  You can see why you want a heavy hammer, it just takes all the work out of it so you’re not pounding away.  You can see how many bearing sets I’ve done just by looking at the end of that.  Bingo!  The seal and the bearing are now out.

On the next video, we are gonna start by putting the rear bearing in first and then we will do the other side.  The reason why we put the rear bearing in first is because what you don’t want to do is put the front one in first and the seal.  Now when you turn it over to put the rear bearing in, what you end up doing is banging down on top of here and you loosen up the bearing and the seal inside.  So, that’s why we’re gonna do this puppy first.

See you in the next video, thank you!


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